
Academic and Social-Emotional Learning

Education neither begins nor ends within the walls of a classroom.

Our mission is anchored by an indisputable fact: Young people have the best chance to rise above the barriers of poverty when they succeed academically. Education neither begins nor ends within the walls of the classroom. We have built a foundation of supports designed to position children and youth to achieve in school.

Early childhood programs establish strong attendance behaviors and emphasize social-emotional learning. Dynamic academic engagement extends beyond mandated class time, through things like enriching summer programs. College admissions test prep and campus visits make higher education more than just a dream. Internships and summer youth employment teach workplace behaviors and shape ideas of an independent adulthood.



Pre-K centers

have an attendance rate of 90% or higher

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Of Students

ended the school 2016 year with typical and strong social-emotional competencies




reported liking their fruits and veggies more after being in our Go!Kids program

Education and Leadership

  • Young girls working on robots

    After-School Programs

    Whether it’s robotics club, a sports team, or homework help, all Children’s Aid community schools and centers provide quality activities that help kids reach their full potential.

  • Students celebrating in auditorium

    Community Schools

    The community school strategy delivers holistic services for children and families, connecting them to resources in their communities and fostering academic success.

  • Children signing

    Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services

    All young people have limitless potential, no matter what challenges they face. Each Saturday, deaf and hard of hearing youth can enjoy an array of enriching activities that expand their world.

  • Early Childhood graduation

    Early Childhood

    From before they take their first steps until the day they walk into their kindergarten classroom, our littlest ones are ready to be healthy, lifelong learners.

  • College information session with students

    Foster Care Educational Services

    While young people in foster care face huge challenges, they too aspire to a better future through college and will succeed at that level with the right support and resources.

  • High school equivalency graduation

    High School Equivalency Programs

    The evidence is clear: Higher education leads to greater lifetime earnings. A high school equivalency degree can be a crucial step to rising above the barriers of poverty, and to a better life.

  • Success Mentors


    A cornerstone of our community outreach is a commitment to provide children and youth with dedicated mentors who are there for them every step of the way.

Summer Enrichment

  • SYEP Children's Aid

    Summer Youth Employment

    When a meaningful job experience is coupled with academic achievement, a young person has a much better chance of finding success and independence in adulthood.

  • Wagon Road Camper climbing

    Wagon Road Camp

    Wagon Road Camp provides a fun, engaging summer day camp for typical children, an overnight respite program for developmentally delayed youth, and adventure team building for school groups. We operate on a beautiful, 53 acre wooded campus in northern Westchester County.

College and Career Readiness

  • Student decided where to attend college

    College and Career Access and Success

    The math is simple: College graduates earn much more over their lifetimes. Putting college within reach of young people and empowering them to succeed can and will break the cycle of poverty.

  • Student working at a children's store

    Job Readiness

    Meaningful youth work experiences lead to better career opportunities down the road. Adolescents can find an array of workforce options that connect with their academic and professional aspirations.

  • Young men learning to cook

    Youth Employment

    Internships and job opportunities can help young men and women start shaping their futures and careers, and inspire them to achieve in and outside the classroom.

Every Step of the Way

How we connect children and youth with the tools to learn, grow, and lead.

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