Children’s Aid leverages our resources and expertise with that of families, educators, business leaders, advocates, and service providers to transform the South Bronx into a college- and career-ready community.
Our goal is to help neighbors and stakeholders make these neighborhoods vibrant communities of infinite opportunity.
A community focused on success
Children’s Aid partners with Phipps Neighborhoods to serve as the backbone for South Bronx Rising Together, a cross sector initiative between local institutions, community-based organizations, higher education, business, philanthropy, and government collaborating around a common vision. Our approach is designed to build strong communities dedicated to providing children and youth with the tools they need to learn, grow, and become leaders of their own lives.
The “Collective Impact” philosophy considers the whole child and recognizes that success requires having many partners work together. This initiative envisions the South Bronx as place where:
- children are healthy,
- kindergarteners are excited and ready to learn,
- parents and members of the community contribute to young people’s progress,
- students succeed at every school level and graduate from high school prepared for college and work, and
- young people graduate from college and set out on a career.