NEW YORK – "Mayor Bloomberg has long recognized benefits of after-school programs, which have been found to reduce truancy, criminal activity and improve academic performance for young people while also supporting working families at a very low cost to city tax payers. Unfortunately the Mayor's latest round of budget reductions would eliminate services for 3,000 NYC children," said The Children's Aid Society President and CEO Richard Buery. "In 2009, the City's after-school system served 85,000 children. In September of 2012, there will only be 32,000 after-school slots available – slashing nearly 2/3 of prior program capacity. Underprivileged students who are the majority served would be disproportionately affected at a time when we are witnessing historic cuts to other lifelines in their communities. Mayor Bloomberg should honor his own legacy by removing after-school programs from the chopping block and ensuring the most vulnerable have a chance to succeed, and working parents have the supports they need for their families.”
The Children’s Aid Society is an independent, not-for-profit organization established to serve the children of New York City. Our mission is to help children in poverty to succeed and thrive. We do this by providing comprehensive supports to children and their families in targeted high-needs New York City neighborhoods. Founded in 1853, it is one of the nation’s largest and most innovative non-sectarian agencies, serving New York’s neediest children. Services are provided in community schools, neighborhood centers, health clinics and camps. For more information, please call Anthony Ramos at (212) 949-4938/ (917) 204-8214, email or visit