For the past several years on Friday mornings, Dr. Richard Besser has stopped by the Children’s Aid Dunlevy Milbank Medical Center to provide primary health care to our clients. Children, their parents, and Children’s Aid staff all looked forward to his visits, which he graciously made as a volunteer pediatrician. His kindness and depth of service was evident in the ways he went above and beyond the call of his medical oath to address each patient’s holistic needs—and replacing outgrown sneakers when needed.
Dr. Besser extended his last visit to break bread with the staff that have been fortunate to work with him over these years. He has served as an invaluable friend to the Children’s Aid community, and we are incredibly excited to congratulate him on his new role as the new president and chief executive officer of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF). RWJF is very fortunate to have gained a dedicated and passionate leader in health. While we will miss his presence on Fridays at Milbank, we greatly look forward to the work Dr. Besser will continue to do to keep all of our communities healthy.