Last week we saluted the hundreds of little ones who “walked the stage” as part of their collective moving up ceremonies. This week we look to a slightly older demographic.
The staff at Children’s Aid work incredibly hard. The challenges of building well-being and knocking down the barriers to learning rarely end when you go off the clock. That’s why it’s an amazing accomplishment when our staff members take on big goals, like furthering their education.
So today we honor these members of the Children’s Aid team who recently earned a college degree all while also fulfilling their responsibilities to the kids and families we serve. Congratulations to all!
Early Childhood Division
Thomas Cespedes, Jr.
Brittany Herbin
Armadine Etienne
Ismelda Cruz
Ashly Rose Cifu
Leandra Sepulveda
Jokairy Jimenez
Benjamin Thomas
Milagros Espaillat
Clarissa Martinez
Larissa Ferretti
Julissa Melendez
Monica Rossi
School Age Division
Betty Sanchez
Lorena Jimenez
Michelle Pinales
Ambar Azcona
Adolescence Division
Demetris Ioannou
Amani Gheith
Health and Wellness Division
Karina Avila
Child Welfare and Family Wellness Division
Jessica Toussaint
Janelle Thomas
Jessica Jones
Arrelis Harper