Every Step of the Way
Students Learn to Play Tennis from Patrick McEnroe
Patrick McEnroe, former professional tennis player, teaches students the fundamentals.
For 50 Years, Kelsey Stevens Has Helped Our Youth Excel in Sports and in School
Kelsey has been a coach, a mentor, and a friend to generations of Children’s Aid kids.
Olympians help Children's Aid Youth Count Down to 2020 Olympic Games
The Peacock Games, a star-studded youth sports clinic, took place at the Children’s Aid Dunlevy Milbank Center.
Kelsey Stevens: Harlem’s Coach
Kelsey Stevens has dedicated his career at Children’s Aid to providing student athletes with quality sports education.
The Road to Rio Runs through Harlem
The USA Olympic Basketball team visits Milbank.
Elite Hoopsters in Harlem
Harlem youth show off their skills at the Children’s Aid 8th Annual Basketball Showcase.
A World of Basketball with Coach "Hammer" Stevens
A youth basketball coach teaches kids basketball, integrity, and the value of an education.